My real life journey started more than 10 years ago: It was New Year's Eve 2013 and suddenly nothing was the same as before. On that New Year's Eve, an acquaintance was killed in a traffic accident. Shock. How could that be? How can a life be over so quickly?
And me? I perform. I function. I don't live. Somehow I finished my Master's thesis. Then I went traveling on my own. To Nepal. Alone through the Himalayas, even though I hadn't even really been to the Alps. I allowed myself to have new experiences. To trust. To feel myself. I am still on this life journey.
Why am I sharing this here?
This experience has had a lasting impact on the way I live, work, train and coach: going with what is moving, what is alive. Always bringing inside and outside into harmony. I am moved when spaces open up in training sessions in which participants are very honest with themselves and others while trying out something new. Only those who are touchable can grow. Only those who are touchable can touch, move and lead.
In 2018, "going with what moves" also led me to UnternehmerTUM, the largest innovation and start-up center in Europe. Genuine creativity and innovation arise in spaces where everything is allowed to move. Where no energy goes into external appearances, which are so often based on our focus on performance or the fear of not being enough. Instead, it goes into the moment, into the thing itself. Opening up these spaces is the task of the manager. And this competence is more important than ever in a world that is changing faster and faster. It's all a really cool job.
My job is to enable managers and teams to get into these spaces more and more. Room for bloom.
Diploma of Advanced Studies, Positive Psychology (DGPP)
Systemic Business Coach (dvct certified)
8 years of body therapy training SKAN
Scrum Master (scrum.org certified)
Change Management Practitioner (Prosci certified)
Master International Cultural and Business Studies, focus Southeast Asia (M.A.)
Master Business Administration (M.Sc.)
Professional experience
Program Management Leadership Talent Academy Munich (Karl Schlecht Foundation and UnternehmerTUM)
Trainer and coach at Manage & More (program for outstanding entrepreneurial talents at UTUM)
Co-development of an incubator in Saudi Arabia
Speaker at the Entrepreneurship Summit in Berlin
Speaker at the LMU for Women in Business
Program Management Cultural Change in IT Company in Munich, Bangkok and Bratislava
Consultant in management consultancies
Trust is the glue of life.
Stephen Covey